February 2025

The Love Hub on the road: Edinburgh Edition

Posters for a series of events on themes that include activism, mutual-aid, care, performance, research, disability justice, abortion justice, and so much more.

Organised by The Love Tank and The University of Edinburgh's Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society.

Full listing here: queerhealth.info/lovehubed

About the project
The Love Hub is a queer health travelling circus centring events around well being, sex positivity and inclusivity.

︎ Illustrations by
Lynne Zakhour

January 2025

Mes Pants de Queer

Poster for the launch of Mes Pants de Queer’s new space in Tiohtià:ke / Montréal.

About the project
Mes Pants de Queer is a thrift bookstore by, for and about LGBTQ2SAI+ offering both new and second-hand books

November 2024

Sufra (Displaced Objects)

Exhibition posters
Posters for ‘Sufra (Displaced Objects)’, an exhibit designed by Nuhad Haffar-Orsini of Nu Sculpture Studio and Salma Serry of Sufra Archive. An immersive collaboration that navigates grief, collective memory and migration through the lens of the sufra—an Arabic term for a communal meal rooted in the word safar (to travel).

Part of DesignTO Exhibit.

About the project
At the exhibit’s heart are sculptures born from tableware that Nuhad carried from her former home in Beirut to her current home in Oakville, Ontario. These objects—ordinary and deeply meaningful—are intertwined with her personal archive of family photos at the sufra, taken by her father during cherished gatherings in Lebanon. Through these artifacts, ‘Sufra (Displaced Objects)’ highlights the paradox of loss and belonging, turning everyday relics into symbols of shared memory and identity.

The exhibit also features personal and historical contributions from Salma Serry, founder of the largest digital culinary archive in the SWANA region, showcasing insights into the sufra‘s cultural significance and traditions.

Connecting personal and shared histories and honouring communal moments of joy, resilience, and loss, ‘Sufra (Displaced Objects)’ invites you to reflect on the bonds that tie us to the people and places we can no longer touch but will forever carry in our hearts.

Teaser Posters

Exhibition Posters

October 2024

Soirée de Solidarité pour le Liban

Fundraising event in support of Lebanon at La Station — Gare des mines in Paris feat. Deena Abdelwahed, Glitter55, Liliane Chlela, and Simo Cell.

Fonts in use: Gikit Text, Favorit Medium.

About the project
Face aux conséquences catastrophiques des agressions des forces israéliennes, nous organisons une soirée spéciale de collecte de fonds pour soutenir nos frères et soeurs libanais·es. Notre objectif est d’apporter une aide essentielle à celles et ceux qui en ont besoin en cette période critique.

Cette soirée est portée par Liliane Chlela, avec la participation de ses ami·e·s DJs : Deena Abdelwahed, Simo Cell, et Glitter55.

Tous les bénéfices des billets seront reversés à Beirut Synth Center et Tunefork Studios, deux organismes qui oeuvrent sur le terrain pour fournir un soutien vital à la population locale.

Le Beirut Synth Center, en collaboration avec Tunefork Studios, avec le soutien de Station Beirut et de bénévoles sur le terrain, coordonne une opération de secours pour fournir des produits de première nécessité (matelas, oreillers, couvertures, vêtements, kits d’hygiène, etc.) aux écoles transformées en refuges collectifs, ainsi qu’aux personnes déplacées dans le besoin, à Beyrouth et dans ses environs. Il s’agit d’une initiative citoyenne, composée de bénévoles issus du milieu musical et de notre communauté artistique locale.

October 2024

Learning from ACT UP: Tactics of Direct Action

Exhibition design

The Learning from ACT UP: Tactics of Direct Action exhibition, by focusing on the actions initiated by the founding New York chapter from 1987-1993, performatively shows how one might react to a social crisis, reach a broad audience, change the discourse of “business as usual,” and initiate systemic change.

On View: October 5 – December 14, 2024
Curated by Juli Carson and Sasha Ussef
University Art Gallery, Claire Trevor School of the Arts
University of California, Irvine

About the Exhibition: 

We live in tumultuous times. There are culture wars the likes of which we haven’t seen since the 1980s. Looming even larger is a pernicious anti-democratic turn—in both the US and abroad—that’s instilled a general sense of dread whenever elections approach. Unsurprisingly, there’s a strong desire to organize, act, and make positive change. To be the protagonist of an empowering counter-narrative. Learning from ACT UP: Tactics of Direct Action is a performative installation—comprised of film, graphics, and archival material—that demonstrate what dogged but peaceful civil disobedience might achieve. How, in fact, it might even change the world.